You are stuck inside a locked room with the door keypad with no power. You need to find a way to power up the key pad and decipher the combination to unlock the door. We will walk you through each of the items and the puzzles for you to obtain 100% completion for the stage. Please feel free to leave any comments if you are still having any trouble.

We have divided the walkthrough guide into 3 sections to help you backtrack if you have already passed the stage. If you are aiming for 100% three star completion the first time around, simply follow the steps in order.
Main Escape | Bonus Star | Quiz Solution


Main Escape

1. Drawer: Open the computer desk drawer and retrieve a handle inside.
2. Closet: Open the closet door and get a second handle.
3. Jacket: Locate the jacket hanging on the wall. Get a knife cutter from the pocket.
4. Briefcase: Use the knife cutter on the briefcase to cut it open. Get a piece of paper from the opening.
DoorsandRooms2_ch1_stage7_briefcase DoorsandRooms2_ch1_stage7_get_paper
5. Control Box: Observe the control box on the wall. Insert both handles into the box.
6. Keypad: Open inventory. The paper is a cipher that will help you solve the puzzle. Follow the steps below for each of the color code to unlock the door.


Bonus Star

B1. Locate the jacket hanging on the wall. The bonus star is on the jacket hidden as the second button counting from the bottom.

Quiz Password

Q1. Go to the computer and look at the hint. Now head over to the jacket. Observe the logo letters EXILES which spells out “5371X3” when looked upside down. Solve the math: 5371 x 3 = 16113. Enter password: 16113 to solve the quiz!
DoorsandRooms2_ch1_stage7_password DoorsandRooms2_ch1_stage7_quiz


Chapter 1 Stage 7 | Doors & Rooms 2 — 2 Comments

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