Welcome to the number 1 unofficial fan site for Doors and Rooms. We have written the most detailed and thorough walkthrough for your escape needs. Please book mark this website for any future game and guide updates!
The sequel of Doors and Rooms has just been released! The Walkthroughs for every single stage for both D&R 1 and D&R 2 have been included. Enjoy and escape fast and easily with our detailed game guides.
Doors and Rooms

How do I file a complaint about coin purchases, for the game Doors &Rooms? Where do I go got that?
You’re actually complaining about a game YOU GOT FREE?!!! Spoiled little POS. By your 13th birthday you will (or should) learn to be thankful for what you DO get for free. Right now, though… you’re still just an embarrassment to your parents feeling like the world owesyou something for nothing.
Uhmmmm…. Well that was nicely done. I always love it when an impulsive fool blurts out nonsense because he didn’t take the time to carefully read the question. I bet you dropped out of your high school emotional support class. What the question was asking if you’d bothered to read it, is that he bought coins (with real money) and did not receive them.
Where’s the walkthrough for Doors&Rooms 2? I can’t see it!
The walkthrough is written like:
Doors&Rooms 2
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Chapter 1
And same for Chapter 2.
Just add in the url code becoming https://doorsandroomsguide.com/dr2/chapter-(chapter you want)-stage-(stage you want).
How can I get rid of the blinking ad at the top of the screen?
I want to know how to get rid of those ads to
Click X then Ad Covers the page
Does anyone know how to unlock the hidden achievements ?
Can anyone tell how to unlock the hidden achievement ?
there´s one where you need to imput an incorrect password: 2147
but now I can´t remember which chapter on stage 1 was
“That’s not it!” Enter 2147 in the safe in Chapter 1-10
“Clueless” Get a wrong answer in a quiz 300 times (any bonus quiz can do)
“Too Enthusiastic” Place the staff into a jar 100 times in Chapter 1-17
The 300 quiz questions wrong deal, does that have to be in one go?
Anyone help me with the last chapter
Hy I need your help in stage 1105 door and rooms for windows phone
After you finish the game or not there is a move button on the button left I am stuck on room 1108 in the First game of doors & rooms
I’m stuck to…
Help… I can’t pass level 1108..
Help!! Stuck in room 1108..
Help at 1008 D&R for wp please!!!!
Where do you find help for the new doors and rooms 3
Help me, somebody! I am stuck in Doors & Rooms 3, chapter 2, stage 3– the amusement park. I can’t seem to win the racing game, no matter how fast I hit the L and R buttons. Is there some kind of trick to this? I’m playing on a touch screen android phone. Please help! The clown always beats me by a mile. Help!!!!
I’m having the same problem
How did you pass the lettering part at the begining
Just all about timing the buttons right
Bridgett just hit faster the buttons!
It’s all about timing on the buttons and making sure you’re not pressing L & R at the same time
How can I save the game before I quit??
How can I save the game before I quit?
Como abro la puerta 5 de doors an rooms 3??
Please help chapter 11 room 8 baaahhh please…..
Is there a 3rd stage to D&R 3? I’ve completed all chapters, got the secret items (and used them) but not opened the 3rd stage, if there is one!
Vai sair a terceira fase do doors and roons 3???
Where is Doors & Rooms3?
pls help :/
I know nothing about this game. Pulled it up on tablet to pass the time. Has a witch on the screen. Have played up to door 10 with the crystal ball and now stuck. How do I get out? HELP!
Why do I keep getting kicked out of the game on my iPad? I’m tired of this….
I have an iPhone 6 but it won’t let me download the app? Can someone give me some suggestions as to maybe why??
I can’t find doors and rooms zero! How do I download it?
How do I download doors and rooms zero?
When will Zero-versio be able to download in Europe, especially in Finland?
I think the original Doors and Rooms has been removed from the App Store / Google Play Store :\
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