In this astrology room, you gotta collect all of the notes and figure out the right astrology to escape. If you are stuck with any part of the puzzles in this room. We have prepared a detailed walkthrough with many pictures to guide you through the process.

DR 5-5 Room

First of all, pick up everything that you can in this room.

1. Note inside the helmet of the armor.
2. Note hiding inside the chair.
3. Note hidden in the book on the desk.
4. Note behind the ladder.

5. Check the note on the wall.
DR 5-5 Horoscope

6. Check the map. Now observe all of the notes that you have obtained from the room. You will find that the different notes correspond to the different horoscopes that you have noted in step 5.
DR 5-5 Note 1DR 5-5 Note 2

DR 5-5 Note 3DR 5-5 Note 4

DR 5-5 Map

7. Observe through the telescope and note the numbers from the scope: 6479.
DR 5-5 Telescope

8. Head to the shelf and unlock it to obtain a box. Dismantle the box to obtain a set of horoscope plates.
DR 5-5 Star Lock BoxDR 5-5 Box

9. Observe the treasure box and put in the plates from the horoscope answers you found in step 6. Obtain a book.
DR 5-5 Treasure BoxDR 5-5 Unlocked Puzzle

10. With the book, place it into the bookshelf to activate the final puzzle.
DR 5-5 Book PuzzleDR 5-5 Final Solution

If you are having trouble getting through the final puzzle in DR 5-5, use the following sequence:

Speed Pass note
Simply grab the plates with the code 6479. Place the plates into the treasure box. Obtain the book and solve for the final puzzle.


Chapter 5-5 | Doors & Rooms — 10 Comments

    • I did… twice, but it didn’t do anything, so I closed it and reopened to find it shuffled the board again. Grrrr

  1. Do the letters go across the top from left to right and numbers on the side bottom to top like a chess board for final puzzle. I was never good at the tunics cube.

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