Stuck with the color coded password? Learn how to Unlock the secret of the lightsabers and robot to help you escape!
Toy 405 Walkthrough
1. Controller: Pick up controller.
2. Umbrella: Grab umbrella.
3. Charger: Get a charger on the shelf.
4. Robot: Check out the blinking robot’s eye. Four signals in different colors are also on the robot. Tap on robot’s eye when the matching color appears in the order of:
Green, Orange, Red and Blue.
Take the red lightsaber.
5. Outlet: Plug in charger. Insert blue lightsaber. Grab the charged lightsaber.
6. Station: Dismantle umbrella. Dismantle controller twice. Put battery in red lightsaber. Place both lightsabers in the corresponding colored slot. Get numbers:
7. Computer: Enter passcode: Red (1,4,6) and Blue (2,5,7).
8. Rock: Get a meteor rock from the open compartment.
9. Clock: Insert meteor rock. Turn handles. Get a key.
10. Door: Use the key to unlock the door. You have competed Toy level 405 and escape!