Solve the constellation puzzle with the easy step by step walkthrough now. Use the rocket ship and telescope to help escape.
Toy 406 Walkthrough
1. Key: Get key.
2. Rocket: Take the toy rocket ship.
3. Astronaut: Grab toy astronaut from shelf.
4. Scale: Dismantle rocket ship. Combine bottom half of ship and astronaut. Combine top and bottom of rocket ship. Place rocket on the scale. Get number: 7749.

5. Safe: Unlock door with password combination: 7749. Take telescope lens.
6. Box: Use key to unlock locked box. Get telescope eyepiece.
7. Telescope: Combine two parts of telescope. Place telescope on top of the tripod. Look into the lens. Get constellation:
Sagittarius, Aquarius, Piscies, Leo.
8. Keypad: Locate keypad on the door. Press on buttons with the following symbols:
Sagittarius (Bow and Arrow),
Aquarius (Vase)
Piscies (Fish)
Leo (Lion).
Door is unlocked for you to escape.