In Doors and Rooms Season 2 Chapter 2 Stage 9, you are trapped in a stair way. The stair going down is blocked by wreckage. The only way to escape from this room is to unlock the metal gate heading towards the roof. Please let us know if you still have trouble beating the stage. We will work to update this detailed walkthrough if you still cannot pass.

We have divided the walkthrough guide into 3 sections to help you backtrack if you have already passed the stage. If you are aiming for 100% three star completion the first time around, simply follow the steps in order.
Main Escape | Bonus Star | Quiz Solution


Main Escape

1. Flashlight: Pick up the flashlight from the pile of stone wreckage.
2. Screwdriver: Take the screwdriver on the staircase.
3. Exit Sign: Loosen the exit sign cover with the screwdriver. Remove the exit sign cover. Retrieve the light bulb. Combine light bulb with flashlight from your inventory.
DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_exit_sign DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_remove_cover

4. Storage Room: Enter the storage room. Use the flashlight to illuminate and light up the room. Grab the super glue, junction box key, wooden stick.
DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_storage_room DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_use_flashlight

5. Junction Box: The roof keypad needs electricity. Fix the junction box to restore electricity. Use the key to open the junction box. Check out the circuitry puzzle. The circuit is made of series of panels. You need arrange the panels to create a path from the staring point (S) to end point (E).

You will need to use the screwdriver from your inventory to rotate the screws. The pattern is Red, Blue, Yellow, Green.

If you cannot solve the puzzle, you can solve it by using the picture solution below.
DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_junction_box DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_circuit

6. Paper: Combine super glue and stick. Use the stick with glue to get the paper behind the roof gate. Get password from the paper: 1983.
DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_glue_stick DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_stick_glue_paper  DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_dismantle_paperDoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_password

7. Gate: Locate the roof gate keypad. Enter the password: 1983. Pass through the gate and open the roof door. Congratulations, You have escaped!
DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_keypad DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_exit


B1. Go to the junction box. Use the screwdriver to unlock the screw at bottom right corner. Lift the lid. Get a computer chip with star image on top to get the bonus star credit!
DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_bonus_screw DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_bonus_cover



Q1. After you have solved the circuit design puzzle. Check out the computer tablet on the staircase. Notice the circuitry design on the quiz.
Q2. Go to the junction box. Locate the quiz circuitry designs on the path. Observe the colors shown from the clue. Solve the quiz with the password: 61241.

DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_quiz_solution  DoorsandRooms2_ch2_stage9_quiz


Chapter 2 Stage 9 | Doors & Rooms 2 — 12 Comments

  1. I can’t understand why the puzzle need to be solved that way

    need more explanation on that

    it’s really make me confused, Thanks

    • You want electricity to flow from s to e. And it flows from red to blue, from blue to yellow, from yellow to green, and from green to red. So you want to arrange the colors so that red in the former piece is connected with blue in the latter piece, and so on

    • Of course your not done if the number are not showing up ! Restart and go step by step ! I did the same and was confused of why it didn’t show the numbers . It will if you’re going in the right track

    • Until you properly complete the pattern in the electrical box, the connection is not made to the keypad. It isn’t enough to match the patterns which surround the numbers (6,12,4,1) on the quiz. You must also verify the connecting path so that the “e” lights up. Once that is done, your keypad will work. If all else fails, look at the cheat above and verify ALL of the color placement so that it matches with the picture. Then your keypad will operate.

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