Find the answer to the color code puzzle for stage Toy 403. Grab the weapons and raise the monster and make your escape!
Toy 403 Walkthrough
1. Key: Pick up key shaft.
2. Color: Check out three lights on the table. Press the button on top of each light. Pay attention to the number of blinking lights: Red (4), Green (2), Blue (3).

3. Poster: Notice the venn diagram on the wall. The colors overlap create different colors. Treat it as a math problem. Each color is assign a value. Begin with the color and number combination you get from the blinking lights.
Red = 4
Blue = 3
Green = 2
Pink = Green + Blue = 7
Orange = Red + Green = 6
Cyan = Blue + Green = 5
White = Red + Blue + Green = 9
4. Safe: Each number key has different color. Enter corresponding value from the venn digram. Then Tap on the skull.
Pink (7) White (9)
Orange (6) Cyan (5)
Open safe and get a gold bar. Dismantle the gold bar. Get four coins. Exam the coins. Notice one with a section. Dismantle the coin to remove the section. Combine coin and key shaft. Get a working key.
5. Club: Take the spiked club.
6. Ball: Pick up ball and chain.
7. Axe: Grab axe.
8. Shield: Pick up shield.
9. Basket: Place all weapons in the basket. This will lift the monster.
10. Door: Unlock door with key. Exit Toy 403.
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