For the first task, you can simply keep trying until all the floors are lighted up. But the second task is stupid, how can we know that we have to start from 5, and the arrows must be divided 2 by 2??
For the first task, just keep trying until all floors are lighten up, but the second task is stupid, how can we know that we have to start from number 5, and the arrows must be divided 2 by 2??
634251 part you just have to guess. it aint that hard. the author probably numbered tiles to explain it easier. 2 up arrow part is the one that i dont get.
Why code 634251? How should I guess it pls?
Why 7239? There is 2 up arrow in the 2nd part of arrow clue.
How 2 up arrow =2 :S
what the hell , 2 up arrow = 2 , i don’t understand
Without the guide, it’s really difficult to pass,two arrow equals 1 number. How can I guess the code 634251
For the first task, you can simply keep trying until all the floors are lighted up. But the second task is stupid, how can we know that we have to start from 5, and the arrows must be divided 2 by 2??
For the first task, just keep trying until all floors are lighten up, but the second task is stupid, how can we know that we have to start from number 5, and the arrows must be divided 2 by 2??
634251 part you just have to guess. it aint that hard. the author probably numbered tiles to explain it easier. 2 up arrow part is the one that i dont get.
I figured 7239 not based on the direction starting from 5, but based on the placement of the lights bulbs around board of numbers.
Hi, floor code didn’t work for me, this one did 265431, thanks and guide is great.