Walkthrough Item Index
1. Locker
2. Drawer
3. Card
4. Computer
5. Gate
6. Sponge
7. Pry bar
8. Hot Wires
9. Control box
10. Locked Box
11. Red Key
12. Escape
13. Haunted-house
14. Chain
15. Mask
16. Monster
17. Ball
18. Vampire
19. Error
20. Sword
21. Exit
Unlock Secret Stage
Trap Warning
Stage 2 Walkthrough:
1. Locker: Open the locker and grab the helmet light.
2. Drawer: Open the drawer to retrieve a mobile phone.
3. Card: Look through the paper piles on the table. Get a Red sim card. Combine sim card and mobile phone from your inventory.
4. Computer: Go over to the computer. Use the phone on the computer. Solve the puzzle on the screen by rotating each tile. Upon completion, a message will pop up: GATE POWER ON.
5. Gate: Open the gate by pressing on the big blue control button. Notice the word “bELL” on the control pad. If you look at the word upside down, a password is revealed: 7739. Enter an adjacent room.
6. Sponge: Open the janitor’s closet and grab a sponge.
7. Pry bar: Pick up the pry bar behind the chair.
8. Hot Wires: Use the pry bar to open the electrical box cover. Put on the helmet light. Place the sponge in the box. Retrieve the control box key.
9. Control box: Use the key to unlock the control box. Solve the puzzle. There are four meters running. Tap on the meter when the dial lands inside the blue region. If you are not sure how, we have provided a solution. You have disarmed the hazardous device.
10. Locked Box: Recall the password from the gate. Enter password: 7739. Get a blue sim card. Dismantle the mobile phone. Use the blue sim card on the phone. You have activate the hazardous device and reveal the red door key.
11. Red Key: Grab the red key on top of the hazardous device.
12. Escape: Use the red key to open the red door. Exit the room and escape to safety!
Unlock Secret Stage
The door to unlock Stage 6 secret room is located in this stage. Use secret Door Key from Stage 1 to unlock the secret door.
Trap Warning
1. Do not touch the electrical box before you drain the water first. You will get electrocuted. You will need to clear the water with a sponge.
2. Do not touch the hazardous device. The device is armed. Follow our walkthrough to disarm the device.
When you attempt disarm hazadous device you lose 1 health.